Thursday, October 1, 2009


I am going to start off by telling you that I am not usually this stupid. This is just one of those situations where I never actively thought of the subject so my brain just assumed something completely wrong.

I have a son. He is the first boy that I have raised on my own (except for my husband's help of course) and I never really thought about his penis. See, I guess in my brain I thought that his penis was going to stay the same size it was when he was born. I just assumed it would suddenly get bigger when he went through puberty or something. You know, like how girls start suddenly getting breasts during puberty. I just thought that boys woke up one day with a bigger penis. I have seen my son's penis every day for more than four years now and it just never clicked that his penis was growing. Then yesterday, for reasons I wont disclose, I realized that his penis had gotten bigger and that I was completely stupid.

There are some things you never think about until you become a parent. I thought all of those discoveries were over now that Enan is 4 but I was wrong. I wonder what amazing revelation I am going to have next.

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