Sunday, August 30, 2009


I hate using the word testicles. I hate how gross it sounds. And I refuse to call them balls because thats almost as gross as testicles. So I call them bubbles. Its a much nicer word for them. This was never a problem until my son started calling them bubbles too. I realize now that I have probably completely screwed up my child but it wasn't intentional. So now I have to decided to fix it by teaching him the proper names for his "boy bits". This led to the following conversation at the dinner table last night:

Me: I think we should teach him that they are called his penis and testicles.

Joe: That's a great idea because when we were outside today blowing bubbles Enan got one on his face and was talking about how he had bubbles on his face. It sounded really gross.

Me: Haha! That's awesome!

Joe: We could call them balls.

Me: Eww no. That's as bad as calling them bubbles.

Me: Enan can you say testicles?

Enan: Testicles.

Me: Wow he can say that word really well.

Joe: Yeah.

Me: Enan do you know what testicles are?

Enan: No.

Me: It is the real name for your bubbles. So you should call them testicles, okay?

Enan: What are balls?

Me: They are things you play with...oh my god...hahahaha

Enan: Mommy...balls. Daddy...testicles.

Me: Ummm Enan I'm being serious now. They are called testicles.

Enan: Mommy...balls. Daddy...testicles.

And that my dear friends is what I call quality dinner conversation.

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